Monday, 29 April 2013

End of term fun and April shopping deals.

Hello !
It's been awhile, finals are not fun at all.

A few weekends ago, my family and I went to Vaughan Mills to shop and to help my sister look for a prom dress. My goodness, time has passed by so quickly since my prom!
I got some basic t-shirts from Guess and some stuff from Lululemon, while my sisters got stuff from Bebe.

My friend introduced us to a cute little restaurant called Shisho Tree Cafe, at J-Town.
It's a quiet little place with delicious food! Lunch was around $8 and we got dessert($6) on top of that.

I ordered the Spicy Sausage pasta. At first it looked like there wasn't enough food for me, but it was actually pretty filling.

And my favourite part of any meal, dessert !! I believe this was the Matcha green tea toast with ice cream.

Then my boyfriend surprised me by going to Markville, where LOULOU's Shop Till you Drop was happening! I wasn't able to attend the one at Fairview because of the storm that day, but he actually researched when the next one was and took me. I'd almost forgotten there was going to be one at Markvillle!

This was the event at center court. I think there were makeovers and some sort of competition happening. There was also free food! Mmm, there was sushi rolls, bourbon chicken, and a vendor had some sort of drinks. I wasn't planning to go shopping that day, so I didn't go into too many stores. Forever21 had a DJ and I believe some special discounts, and Winners had free drinks.

Sometime last week, we went to Ajisen Ramen, at Warden and Steeles for lunch. I don't know why I haven't gone earlier! For lunch we got appetizers for $1.50 (or $1.75 can't remember) and he ordered the deep-fried mashed potatoes. My goodness, they were sooooo good.

When I got home my dad surprised us with some chocolate macarons! Cute little chocolates shaped like macarons !

(Many had been devoured before I got home)

(Here's a close up)

 Last but not least, something I've been working on during exams. I got a bit lazy trying to colour it all with pencil, so I think I might paint it? It should be easier, especially the green areas.

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