Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Updated nails

Hello !

So, I've purposely left out all my nail adventures on the previous post because I have a lot of nail pictures and different designs (well, mostly just colours) that I've worn over the past few months.

My best friend (Samantha) had given me a few Essie nail polishes over the summer.
(L-R; Splash of Grenadine, Sew Psyched,   )

Here's the close up of Sew Psyched:

I was walking around the mall when I saw a new type of nail polish. I already had nail polish on, so I tried it on top of one nail. I didn't end up taking it home, well because it didn't look that "leather"-like to me.

It's the Dior - Golden Jungle Duo. After searching up some more pictures, I feel that I probably put too many layers on; my nails just look like shatter but it seems to look really nice on other people's swatches. Perhaps I should give it another try.

Here's American Apparel (Factory Grey) with Essie (Luxe-effects, Set in stones)

 One week I had Essie's Ladylike (my go-to colour when I don't feel like being creative with my nails)

I received my Milani (#531) Gold, that I bought from Well.ca, and put it on my fourth finger for an "accent" and it turned out alright.

A while after, the pink started chipping, so I used American Apparel's (Gold Flash) and lined the tips.
Making my nail polish last another week or so ! 

Some nail polishes from the L'oreal / Lancome sale.

Left to right: Limoscene, No more film, She's picture perfect, Bikini so teeny, and A-list

My awesome best friend Samantha also helped me get these Essie nail polishes, from the Mirror Metallics collection. 
(l to r: Penny talk, Good as Gold, No place like Chrome, Nothing else Metals)

Oh! I purchased a few sets of "nail stickers" from Teambuy during the summer and when it finally arrived at my house I was so excited. Turns out though, that they aren't stickers, they're "tattoos." I tried to use them, but they're super hard. Here's how it looked with the cheeta/leopard print set.

Now, onto my nail polish wish list.
This is the Chanel Malice, it's from the Holiday collection and it's limited edition.
I haven't had any luck finding it, hopefully my lovely boyfriend will take me to Holt or Murale soon to check if they have any.

And I think the Ciate mini nail polish collection is so cute! There's 24 polishes, and I believe it's $64 at Sephora. There's regular polishes, a few glitters, and even some "caviar" nail polishes! They are super duper cute, and all have miniature ribbons too!

That's all for now. Much love,

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