Sunday, 24 February 2013

H&M recycling initiative

Hello everyone,

I'm back at school, which means no TV for me here in residence. Unfortunately that means I don't get to watch The Oscars, but that's alright, I can search up pictures (or clips) of the event tonight and see all the wonderful outfits the celebrities wore tonight.

One dress stood out to me. Here she is, Helen Hunt, in the gorgeous dress.

(Photo taken from refinery29)

Can you believe it's by H&M?!

The same H&M, that after I had done some researching, just started their recycling program. The program recently started worldwide, where customers are able to bring in bags of clothing to recycle and in return you will get either a 15% coupon, or a $5 voucher. Now, I don't know too many details (I shall ask an employee next time I pop into the store) but, donating my clothes to be reused, recycled, or re-purposed is a lot better than throwing things out. I mean, I still donate my clothes to charities but bringing a bag or two into H&M sounds like a good idea for the environment, as well as making my wallet happy. 

So what do you think of H&M's new initiative?
- A 

(More information can be found: The Star - H&M aims to save clothes from landfill and Triplepundit - H&M clothing recycling program live today )

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