Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Victoria Day weekend in Ottawa! (lots of pictures)

Hello !

Over the weekend, my parents decided to take my sisters and I to Ottawa to check out the Tulip Festival.
It's been a long time since we've traveled together as a family, so I agreed to go with them.
We were there for two days - one night; our first stop was Parliament Hill.

Unfortunately, it was closed and there was fencing around the courtyard for construction, so it didn't look as majestic as when I visited in elementary school. But it was a good day, the sun was shining so we took a walk around the building and found some beautiful tulips.

Here's a close up of one. I'm surprised at how the picture turned out, since I was using my iPhone to take pictures! Ottawa is so pretty and has colourful flowers everywhere.

We walked around the Byward Market but I was busy looking at everything and didn't get any pictures. We had dinner and went back to the hotel. The view of the hotel was pretty cool. Our hotel was over in Quebec, and it was overlooking the Ottawa River and the Civilization Museum!

The next day, we had breakfast at Eggspectations (which the menu said originated from Montreal -- but we have it here in Toronto too) and it was quite an extravagant breakfast. They serve steak and lobster ... for breakfast !!

Look at this salmon eggs-benny.

Mmmm delicious.

After breakfast, our family friends wanted to go to Byward Market again, but it was going to rain so my family and I decided to check out the local mall. Haha, not very surprising.

We then headed to the Aviation Museum for the Star Wars exhibit. Tickets were sold out pretty quickly, but we were lucky enough to get some. We even got to watch a helicopter land !

The exhibition was pretty dark, so not a lot of my pictures turned out good. To make up for the lack of pictures, here's a picture of a stormtropper!

The exhibit was a self-guided, interactive tour which was pretty cool. We had wristbands (which I took a picture of, but had poor lighting so it turned out funny) that we used to interact with the displays; when we stepped over a certain area, there would be a video that would play and a narrator that spoke in the headset. The wristbands were also used to make our own Star Wars character! We got to pick the race, personality, our home planet, what our occupation was, many other things, but the most important one was picking if we were going to join the dark side or to reject it.

This was my character!

After the exhibition, it started to rain hard so we decided to start heading back home to Toronto. Most of the ride was uneventful, but I did see several deer and police hiding out in ditches to catch people speeding! How sneaky!

I hope everyone had a good weekend too!
- Aggie 

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