Saturday, 9 November 2013

Quickie update and coat shopping!

Hello everyone,

I've been neglecting my blog for a while now, but honestly nothing much has happened in my life. After graduating university (yay!) I've been looking for a job (or maybe two? three?) for the past few months. It sucks when you don't drive, it really limits a lot of options. But that's okay, maybe my parents will let me drive without their supervision! Haha, I guess that's also my fault for not being more enthusiastic about getting my license!

So my two main priorties these days are:
1. Getting a job
2. Getting my (full) driver's license

Both of which is taking a lot more time and effort than I imagined.

Anyways, onto the fun parts, Halloween just passed and Christmas is coming up!
Yay! I love Christmas! The food, the presents, the songs, happy cheerful people who can't wait to get a few days off work, being with family and friends. Oh, I almost forgot about the snow and people being close to each other to keep warm.

I've been sick the past few weeks and I'm pretty sure it's because I don't have a proper jacket! I'm not sure how I survived the past few years in university, but I am getting sick all the time in Toronto.

I'm not too particular about my jacket, I'd just like a warm, double-breasted, black (or dark navy) peacoat, that is made of wool or some sort blend with (preferably) cashmere. So far, the only one that fits my list is the Aritzia Howell Coat.I'm not quite sure if it's the "perfect" one yet.

I've looked through many different stores, in almost all the malls nearby, but I haven't found anything else.
I tried on a Ralph Lauren jacket (from The Bay) and it looked a bit funny on me.

The Bay was having a sale, so I went to a few malls and Yorkdale had the biggest selection. I tried on a size 2, the sides were really loose on me but the sleeves were too short.

I looked at a few coats from Zara, and Club Monaco, but the cutting was weird on me. Having seen the J.Crew catalog, I went to check out the "Majesty peacoat" but I didn't like the feeling of the exterior fabric. It was $348, even with the 25% off I wasn't convinced. I ended up on the J.Crew Factory website, so I found a similar peacoat for $220, and I knew I had to check it out in store.  The exterior on this jacket was a lot softer and smoother.

I wasn't too happy with the floppy buttons though. It is a bit plain which I don't mind, but being that it's J.Crew Factory, I might wait for their promotions and order it online.

Since I still haven't found a proper jacket yet, I ended up at Forever21 and bought a jacket to play around with. It's cuter in person, haha, but I'm not too sure how warm it is. It was pretty inexpensive, but surprisingly contains 47% wool. (Whereas the J.Crew Factory contained 60% wool.)

My sister recently bought the Aritzia Howell Coat, in black, which is 70% wool with 10% cashmere.
I don't have a picture of me wearing it (yet), haha, but I'll definitely be stealing ... I mean borrowing it. Haha, what are sisters for? I never would've expected coat shopping to be so hard!

Until next adventure,
- aggie