Wednesday, 8 January 2014

December products and nail swatches


December was a super busy month, but it had its rewards in the end. (Hehe like Christmas and New Year's)
My friend helped me pick up some Shu Uemura products from the Holt Renfrew promotion.

Then I got a big obsessed, and bought some more online.
I picked up another cleanser (the regular one) and another eyeliner from the 6Princess collection.

I've been using this (pink) cleanser for the past two months, and I have to say that I love it and it's really worth the money. Right after washing my face with this, my face feels super refreshed and clean. It's also PINK !! How super cute.

From my previous post, I posted that I got some stuff from Sephora, and this was one of it.
The Nails Inc - Special effects - in Electric Lane. I haven't found any holo polishes to try yet (if you know where I could find some, please tell me!) but this is a close dupe of the holo polishes I've seen in pictures.

I put it over a grey/silver base and it looks really nice.
(I tried it over other colours, but it didn't give the same holo result.)
The holo was put over American Apparel in Factory Grey.

I also got some gifts for my mom's birthday. The L'Occitane little gift set from Sephora, and a Ferragmo solid perfume in Signorina from Holt.

 In the Sephora package, I got some Nails Inc Christmas crackers which I gave to some girlfriends during our Christmas party.

There was one left for me, so I opened it when I got home (I was scared that there would be confetti inside, so I didn't want to make a mess in the restaurant.) I got Kensington High Street, which is a nice deep oxblood-y red.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures, and the mess in the background. The true colour was super hard to catch on camera.

I also ordered some nail beads off eBay, so I can't wait to play with these and my new polishes from Sephora!

See you soon!
- Aggie

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