Sunday, 9 February 2014

My goals for this year

Hey everyone!

I love making lists, and I love writing everything down. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at keeping my goals, since I'm always making new lists and changing up things I want to do.

So here is my list of goals for 2014. Hopefully writing it here publicly, will encourage me to accomplish more of them... and so my friends can remind me to achieve some of them. (I'm counting on you guys!!)

1. Travel somewhere (doesn't have to be far, just maybe outside the vicinity of Toronto/GTA and Waterloo)
2. Get G-Licensed (yes, unfortunately studying out of town makes it a lot harder to practice and drive often)
3. Learn a new language (probably Mandarin, as it seems important in a lot of service-industry jobs now)
4. Learn to be happy with what I have (sometimes I forget to do that, thus, my endless want of shopping and buying things)
5. Buy the super duper big stuffed bear from Costco (yes, I just said that I'd stop wanting things, but I've wanted this bear since forever, but I never see them at Costco anymore. Only the dog and the panda, and the moose they had for winter)

I guess I'll work on five for now, and add onto them as the year passes.
Hehe, I'm excited!!

- Aggie
(ps. yes, you may talk and nag me to achieve my goals.)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Review: Pandora charm bangle

Hey everyone!
I'm super late to the party, but I finally got myself a charm bracelet!
I got the Pandora bangle in a size small - the receipt says it measures around 17CM or 6.7inches, which is important as it comes in small, medium and large but the website doesn't state that or how the sizing is.

It came in such a pretty bag!

Some shots of the bracelet:

At first I wasn't very impressed with the clasp. The lady who helped me in the store struggled to open it, and I had trouble opening it when I got home. I chipped a nail!! It seemed that it would be very annoying to open and close...

A better shot of the clasp. As you can see, there's not much space to stick your finger/or something to try to pry it open. I'm quite worried about if repeated use will wear down the clasp.
I did read somewhere that the clasp is their "patented technology" so hopefully that means good things, and that it won't break on me.

Here's what it looks like when I open it.

To close, you have to bend the other end back into the clasp. It's easy with two hands, or if you have someone putting it on for you. I tried putting it on myself in the car today with one hand... took a lot longer than I would like to admit.

Unfortunately, having to bend it open and close to fit it into my wrist is a bit scary looking.
I apologize for my awkwardly-shaped hand, but I have to somehow squeeze it into my wrist by putting it through my hand, or by putting it on like I would a cuff bracelet. Either way, there's no getting around not having to bend the bracelet.
I did read online though, that the newer bracelets are a *memory metal* -- supposedly, it reverts back to its original form no matter how you bend it.

It's quite pretty on my arm though! I haven't gotten any charms to put on it yet.

Here's how I plan to wear it. It's a little bare to call "arm candy" but I'm starting!
I always forget to wear my watch, so hopefully this will be an incentive to remember to wear it. I also haven't been wearing my watch much, since it's white and super hard to pair with other jewelry.

I bought the bracelet at the Fairview Mall location, and Stephanie, the salesperson was super nice and patient while I looked around. It was $75 before tax, which I guess isn't bad for a bracelet. Mmm, I'd say it's an alright price for a bracelet; the Swarovski charm bangle is also $75.

- Aggie

Monday, 3 February 2014

Redesigning my blog

My blog has been pretty plain for awhile now, so I decided (after seeing how nice everyone else's blogs were) that I would change mine up!

I made my banner at: 
The awesome slideshow/scroll of pictures from Instagram is by Snapwidget. (They also do Hashtags too)
The social media icons are from: (she put them up for free! how awesome!)
Lastly, I watched this tutorial on how to add those cute little buttons: 

Just thought I'd give credit where it's due. I wish I was a super genius who thought of these myself :p
Hope these helped you!

 - aggie