Sunday, 9 February 2014

My goals for this year

Hey everyone!

I love making lists, and I love writing everything down. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at keeping my goals, since I'm always making new lists and changing up things I want to do.

So here is my list of goals for 2014. Hopefully writing it here publicly, will encourage me to accomplish more of them... and so my friends can remind me to achieve some of them. (I'm counting on you guys!!)

1. Travel somewhere (doesn't have to be far, just maybe outside the vicinity of Toronto/GTA and Waterloo)
2. Get G-Licensed (yes, unfortunately studying out of town makes it a lot harder to practice and drive often)
3. Learn a new language (probably Mandarin, as it seems important in a lot of service-industry jobs now)
4. Learn to be happy with what I have (sometimes I forget to do that, thus, my endless want of shopping and buying things)
5. Buy the super duper big stuffed bear from Costco (yes, I just said that I'd stop wanting things, but I've wanted this bear since forever, but I never see them at Costco anymore. Only the dog and the panda, and the moose they had for winter)

I guess I'll work on five for now, and add onto them as the year passes.
Hehe, I'm excited!!

- Aggie
(ps. yes, you may talk and nag me to achieve my goals.)

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