Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Updated nails

Hello !

So, I've purposely left out all my nail adventures on the previous post because I have a lot of nail pictures and different designs (well, mostly just colours) that I've worn over the past few months.

My best friend (Samantha) had given me a few Essie nail polishes over the summer.
(L-R; Splash of Grenadine, Sew Psyched,   )

Here's the close up of Sew Psyched:

I was walking around the mall when I saw a new type of nail polish. I already had nail polish on, so I tried it on top of one nail. I didn't end up taking it home, well because it didn't look that "leather"-like to me.

It's the Dior - Golden Jungle Duo. After searching up some more pictures, I feel that I probably put too many layers on; my nails just look like shatter but it seems to look really nice on other people's swatches. Perhaps I should give it another try.

Here's American Apparel (Factory Grey) with Essie (Luxe-effects, Set in stones)

 One week I had Essie's Ladylike (my go-to colour when I don't feel like being creative with my nails)

I received my Milani (#531) Gold, that I bought from Well.ca, and put it on my fourth finger for an "accent" and it turned out alright.

A while after, the pink started chipping, so I used American Apparel's (Gold Flash) and lined the tips.
Making my nail polish last another week or so ! 

Some nail polishes from the L'oreal / Lancome sale.

Left to right: Limoscene, No more film, She's picture perfect, Bikini so teeny, and A-list

My awesome best friend Samantha also helped me get these Essie nail polishes, from the Mirror Metallics collection. 
(l to r: Penny talk, Good as Gold, No place like Chrome, Nothing else Metals)

Oh! I purchased a few sets of "nail stickers" from Teambuy during the summer and when it finally arrived at my house I was so excited. Turns out though, that they aren't stickers, they're "tattoos." I tried to use them, but they're super hard. Here's how it looked with the cheeta/leopard print set.

Now, onto my nail polish wish list.
This is the Chanel Malice, it's from the Holiday collection and it's limited edition.
I haven't had any luck finding it, hopefully my lovely boyfriend will take me to Holt or Murale soon to check if they have any.

And I think the Ciate mini nail polish collection is so cute! There's 24 polishes, and I believe it's $64 at Sephora. There's regular polishes, a few glitters, and even some "caviar" nail polishes! They are super duper cute, and all have miniature ribbons too!

That's all for now. Much love,

Monday, 12 November 2012

It's been a long time ...

Hello world,

It's been a long time since I haven't updated, and I feel horrible. I was in school during the summer and I'm in school now, and it takes a lot of time to think of posts / upload the pictures onto the blog (I wish there was an easier way to add pictures. I love taking pictures)

Well, here's a few things that happened in October.

I started going to the gym ...

But then my friend and I started to eat out and eat desserts ...
(our guilty pleasures)

Dr. Who ended (for now) and I'm terribly upset. Then there was a poster at school which made me more upset.

I got a few glossy box(es) in the mail:
The NYX "book of shadows" is quite nice.

I purchased some nice studded boots from Nine West.

Got some free samples from counters; Chanel lipstick, perfumes. It's always nice when the ladies at the counter give samples :)

I went to Zellers to buy some snacks, and found out that they were having a major shoe sale... and they got their shipments from The Bay! (I believe they were an extra 70% off)

Sam Edelman

See by Chloe


Some more guilty pleasures..

(I mean, who can say no to this delicious thing)

Unbuttoning a new Longchamp. It looks so peaceful and nice, until I used it for the first time.

Some awesome finds at Winners (TJMax)
Gucci heels, and Fendi pumps

(they look amazing on, but I can't seem to find the picture right now. Will add it later)

There was a Lancome warehouse sale where my mom and I went a bit crazy.

Most of the Essies and all of the Lancome nail polishes were bought from the sale!

My new Tim Hortons favourite: Everything bagel with cream cheese !!!

My attempt at being healthy, frozen grapes !
I think it tasted best with the dark purple and the red ones, the greens were alright though.
They taste so good, and the texture is so creamy! I have been snacking on these instead of chips lately :)


Now I have to get back to my assignments :(
Hopefully, my next update will be within this week.

Bye for now,