I was browsing Zara's sale section because I'm on the lookout to add to my handbag collection. I saw this bag in the sale section, and I thought it was pretty cute. It said it was 100% genuine leather, with the dimensions 28 x 36 x 15cm / 11 x 14 x 6". Unfortunately, the pictures on the Zara website it doesn't fully show how big it is and it's hard to compare with a picture of just a hand holding the bag.
So I decided I'd take some pictures of the bag, since I looked online (eBay, google searched) and I still couldn't find out more about this bag.

It's actually quite pretty, as I was taking it out of the box my sister said she wanted to use it already! Ha! Me first!!
The bag is actually very big; it fits my folder, water bottle, laptop, a book, an agenda, and my gloves. There's a crossbody strap and a short handle, so here I am (in my jammies) trying out the bag.

(You can get the bag here, and it has been further reduced!! Ref. 8773/204 - http://www.zara.com/ca/en/trf/handbags/studded-leather-city-bag-c541700p1475559.html)
The bag came like this, stuffed into the box, so my hopes weren't too high. Thankfully, it didn't do much damage, but I would've been very upset if it were more expensive.

The damage! I think someone might have tried the bag on before it was shipped to me. The buckles aren't aligned, but I could fix that. The strap however, is permanently bent, hopefully I'll be able to straighten it back up because right now it's almost at a 90degree angle!
The buckles are removable! And the straps are held together by snap buttons.
The close up of the studs. (I just placed this on my lap, and the studs are so cold. I'm worried now about the summer and if this heats up and brushes against my leg!)
The original cost of this bag!! I am super happy that I was able to get this on sale!
The inside is pretty plain. It has a polyester lining, and there are no pockets.
Close up of the strap and the button closure.
The side of the bag. Again, I think this might have been on display in a Zara store, as the sides are pretty worn, but I guess it also seems like it's been "well-loved." The straps for the crossbody worry me though, I'm not sure how much weight it can handle as it's pretty thin.
What I put inside my bag, it's pretty spacious.
I put my laptop in after the previous picture. It does fit my laptop (15inch) but it peaks out a little bit on the top.
I probably won't be putting heavy things in this bag, because when I hold it up by the handle, the top of the bag makes a little "dip"
I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this bag or not (I had regrets after I placed my order) but I decided to buy it first and return it if I really didn't like it. But I actually think I'll enjoy using this bag.
Thanks for reading!!
Happy shopping.
- Aggie