Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Sally Hansen - Colour Quick nail polish pen

This is the Sally Hansen - Color Quick (Fast Dry) nail polish pen.
I bought it because it was on sale (only a dollar off) and I was buying something anyways.

After seeing chrome/holographic coloured nail polish, I really wanted to try out one. So I bought this.
I got home, and tried it on, and yes, it did what it said it would.
It dried super duper fast, perhaps the fastest drying polish I've ever used, BUT.
... BUT, it was NOT the colour that the box had claimed. Instead it was just a normal silver, it wasn't even shiny or anything, just ... a normal ... silver.

Sorry, but I didnt take pictures because I was super disappointed with this.
So I dont recommend this product at all.

Price: $5.97
Store: Walmart

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