Monday, 23 June 2014

Zara sale !


The summer Zara sale started last Friday at 12am. I couldn't sleep, so I went online and checked out the sale. I was hesitant at first, but when I saw a bag that I had added into my shopping cart get sold out... I pulled the trigger.

I had bought a bunch of clothes for work, simple tshirts so I didn't bother taking too many pictures.
Just plain ones.

I always look forward to receiving Zara packages!

This time it was in a cute blue packaging.

I bought quite a bit of clothes, most of which were too big though.
Not too fond of the print on the shirt on the right side...

The main reason I pulled the trigger ...
The blue version of this bag was sold out! I made the purchase at like 12:30am!
But luckily I grabbed the white one as well.

(The Studded Satchel Bag: Ref.4125/304)

This bag was quite expensive. I believe it isn't leather, and it was $69.99.
But it was too cute to pass up! I needed a small crossbody, but bigger than fitting just a phone inside. 
The studs are nice quality ... and they hurt. I wonder if I will accidentally hurt anyone ...
The inside of the bag. It's pretty roomy. 

Some more shots of the exterior.

A wrap skirt that I picked up.

These sweaters are also one of my favourites in this order.
I bought them in two colours! Haha.


Wearing this beautiful cardigan.
(Excuse the messy background)

And Brown~Beige:

A comparison of the white vs. the brown/beige.

I love love love these sweaters. I will probably end up wearing one of these tomorrow even though it's way too hot in Canada. Hopefully I'll get a chance to take more pictures with them on!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I ordered Friday morning (midnight) and I received it today (Monday) ! I love how fast Zara gets shipped to me.

Until next time,
Aggie <3

Monday, 14 April 2014

Resizing shoes

Hey everyone,

The weather is finally getting better, and I can dust off my heels and sandals! Woo!

Unfortunately, I forgot that these heels from Zara were a bit too big. They were the last pair at the Yorkdale location, and they checked the other stores but the only store that had them in my size was in Montreal!!

So, I took these home. I probably only wore them twice, and it was pretty painful. These were a size 7, and I usually wear a 6/6.5 in heels. I use the Dr. Scholl's heel liners which worked for a bit, but eventually they started to lose their stickiness.

I had to find a solution. At first I remembered watching a DIY video on youtube about making your own liners, but after searching multiple walmarts and craft stores, I wasn't able to find felt with the adhesive backing.

One day I was walking around Shoppers Drug Mart, and I saw these felt pads. Yes, the felt pads you stick under chairs so they don't scratch your flooring.

Step 1:
Measure and cut out a piece with a height of 1 inch. The length doesn't really matter, but I guess it would help make the shoe fit smaller.

Step 2: Place it in your shoe and adjust it to determine how it should fit, where it should bend, and make sure the sides don't come out over the side of the shoe.

Make sure it doesn't look like that! It won't look attractive!!

Step 3: Peal off the adhesive sticky and place it in your shoe!
Press and hold, make sure it's in there.

Step 4: Enjoy your newly fitted shoes!

Since I had leftovers, I did it to other pairs of shoes as well. It's so sad that Zara's 7 and 6.5 is a bit big, and 6 is too snug for me feet.

Hopefully this was somewhat informative. I've been too tired to come up with ideas and actually do them. So many ideas! So little time!!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Quick update - March 11th

Hey everyone,

When I finally decided to blog more often (I even planned out what I was going to blog about for the next few weeks!) ... my internet was down! It was down for almost two weeks ! :(

So hopefully I'll get the ball rolling soon. I have a few things in mind.
Come back soon :)

- Aggie

Sunday, 9 February 2014

My goals for this year

Hey everyone!

I love making lists, and I love writing everything down. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at keeping my goals, since I'm always making new lists and changing up things I want to do.

So here is my list of goals for 2014. Hopefully writing it here publicly, will encourage me to accomplish more of them... and so my friends can remind me to achieve some of them. (I'm counting on you guys!!)

1. Travel somewhere (doesn't have to be far, just maybe outside the vicinity of Toronto/GTA and Waterloo)
2. Get G-Licensed (yes, unfortunately studying out of town makes it a lot harder to practice and drive often)
3. Learn a new language (probably Mandarin, as it seems important in a lot of service-industry jobs now)
4. Learn to be happy with what I have (sometimes I forget to do that, thus, my endless want of shopping and buying things)
5. Buy the super duper big stuffed bear from Costco (yes, I just said that I'd stop wanting things, but I've wanted this bear since forever, but I never see them at Costco anymore. Only the dog and the panda, and the moose they had for winter)

I guess I'll work on five for now, and add onto them as the year passes.
Hehe, I'm excited!!

- Aggie
(ps. yes, you may talk and nag me to achieve my goals.)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Review: Pandora charm bangle

Hey everyone!
I'm super late to the party, but I finally got myself a charm bracelet!
I got the Pandora bangle in a size small - the receipt says it measures around 17CM or 6.7inches, which is important as it comes in small, medium and large but the website doesn't state that or how the sizing is.

It came in such a pretty bag!

Some shots of the bracelet:

At first I wasn't very impressed with the clasp. The lady who helped me in the store struggled to open it, and I had trouble opening it when I got home. I chipped a nail!! It seemed that it would be very annoying to open and close...

A better shot of the clasp. As you can see, there's not much space to stick your finger/or something to try to pry it open. I'm quite worried about if repeated use will wear down the clasp.
I did read somewhere that the clasp is their "patented technology" so hopefully that means good things, and that it won't break on me.

Here's what it looks like when I open it.

To close, you have to bend the other end back into the clasp. It's easy with two hands, or if you have someone putting it on for you. I tried putting it on myself in the car today with one hand... took a lot longer than I would like to admit.

Unfortunately, having to bend it open and close to fit it into my wrist is a bit scary looking.
I apologize for my awkwardly-shaped hand, but I have to somehow squeeze it into my wrist by putting it through my hand, or by putting it on like I would a cuff bracelet. Either way, there's no getting around not having to bend the bracelet.
I did read online though, that the newer bracelets are a *memory metal* -- supposedly, it reverts back to its original form no matter how you bend it.

It's quite pretty on my arm though! I haven't gotten any charms to put on it yet.

Here's how I plan to wear it. It's a little bare to call "arm candy" but I'm starting!
I always forget to wear my watch, so hopefully this will be an incentive to remember to wear it. I also haven't been wearing my watch much, since it's white and super hard to pair with other jewelry.

I bought the bracelet at the Fairview Mall location, and Stephanie, the salesperson was super nice and patient while I looked around. It was $75 before tax, which I guess isn't bad for a bracelet. Mmm, I'd say it's an alright price for a bracelet; the Swarovski charm bangle is also $75.

- Aggie

Monday, 3 February 2014

Redesigning my blog

My blog has been pretty plain for awhile now, so I decided (after seeing how nice everyone else's blogs were) that I would change mine up!

I made my banner at: 
The awesome slideshow/scroll of pictures from Instagram is by Snapwidget. (They also do Hashtags too)
The social media icons are from: (she put them up for free! how awesome!)
Lastly, I watched this tutorial on how to add those cute little buttons: 

Just thought I'd give credit where it's due. I wish I was a super genius who thought of these myself :p
Hope these helped you!

 - aggie

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Zara - Studded Leather City Bag Review

Hey everyone!

I was browsing Zara's sale section because I'm on the lookout to add to my handbag collection. I saw this bag in the sale section, and I thought it was pretty cute. It said it was 100% genuine leather, with the dimensions 28 x 36 x 15cm / 11 x 14 x 6". Unfortunately, the pictures on the Zara website it doesn't fully show how big it is and it's hard to compare with a picture of just a hand holding the bag.

So I decided I'd take some pictures of the bag, since I looked online (eBay, google searched) and I still couldn't find out more about this bag.

It's actually quite pretty, as I was taking it out of the box my sister said she wanted to use it already! Ha! Me first!!

The bag is actually very big; it fits my folder, water bottle, laptop, a book, an agenda, and my gloves. There's a crossbody strap and a short handle, so here I am (in my jammies) trying out the bag.

(You can get the bag here, and it has been further reduced!! Ref. 8773/204


The bag came like this, stuffed into the box, so my hopes weren't too high. Thankfully, it didn't do much damage, but I would've been very upset if it were more expensive. 

The damage! I think someone might have tried the bag on before it was shipped to me. The buckles aren't aligned, but I could fix that. The strap however, is permanently bent, hopefully I'll be able to straighten it back up because right now it's almost at a 90degree angle!

The buckles are removable! And the straps are held together by snap buttons. 

The close up of the studs. (I just placed this on my lap, and the studs are so cold. I'm worried now about the summer and if this heats up and brushes against my leg!)

The original cost of this bag!! I am super happy that I was able to get this on sale!

The inside is pretty plain. It has a polyester lining, and there are no pockets.

Close up of the strap and the button closure.

The side of the bag. Again, I think this might have been on display in a Zara store, as the sides are pretty worn, but I guess it also seems like it's been "well-loved." The straps for the crossbody worry me though, I'm not sure how much weight it can handle as it's pretty thin.

What I put inside my bag, it's pretty spacious.

I put my laptop in after the previous picture. It does fit my laptop (15inch) but it peaks out a little bit on the top.  

 The short handle.

 I probably won't be putting heavy things in this bag, because when I hold it up by the handle, the top of the bag makes a little "dip"

 My last two pictures! Here I am trying on the bag, I'm 5'3/5'4ish, and I guess it sits nicely on me.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this bag or not (I had regrets after I placed my order) but I decided to buy it first and return it if I really didn't like it. But I actually think I'll enjoy using this bag.

Thanks for reading!!
Happy shopping.

- Aggie

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

December products and nail swatches


December was a super busy month, but it had its rewards in the end. (Hehe like Christmas and New Year's)
My friend helped me pick up some Shu Uemura products from the Holt Renfrew promotion.

Then I got a big obsessed, and bought some more online.
I picked up another cleanser (the regular one) and another eyeliner from the 6Princess collection.

I've been using this (pink) cleanser for the past two months, and I have to say that I love it and it's really worth the money. Right after washing my face with this, my face feels super refreshed and clean. It's also PINK !! How super cute.

From my previous post, I posted that I got some stuff from Sephora, and this was one of it.
The Nails Inc - Special effects - in Electric Lane. I haven't found any holo polishes to try yet (if you know where I could find some, please tell me!) but this is a close dupe of the holo polishes I've seen in pictures.

I put it over a grey/silver base and it looks really nice.
(I tried it over other colours, but it didn't give the same holo result.)
The holo was put over American Apparel in Factory Grey.

I also got some gifts for my mom's birthday. The L'Occitane little gift set from Sephora, and a Ferragmo solid perfume in Signorina from Holt.

 In the Sephora package, I got some Nails Inc Christmas crackers which I gave to some girlfriends during our Christmas party.

There was one left for me, so I opened it when I got home (I was scared that there would be confetti inside, so I didn't want to make a mess in the restaurant.) I got Kensington High Street, which is a nice deep oxblood-y red.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures, and the mess in the background. The true colour was super hard to catch on camera.

I also ordered some nail beads off eBay, so I can't wait to play with these and my new polishes from Sephora!

See you soon!
- Aggie